******************************************************************************************************************************** Brownstone Detectives investigates the history of our clients’ homes. The story you are about to read was composed from research conducted in the course of one of those investigations. Do you know the history of YOUR house? ******************************************************************************************************************************** More than 150 years ago today, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle was waxing melancholy and composing prose over the “approaching draft,” wondering aloud whether the government would enforce it, thereby sending thousands of Brooklynites into the military. “As the days roll by, nearer and nearer approaches the termination of our days of grace, the dreaded 5th of September, when the wheels at the Provost Marshal’s offices will make their fatal rounds and thousands of trembling citizens will be transformed into soldiers. “As a matter of course, an event so momentous to the able-bodied and slim-pursed portion of the population, which is, after all, the largest portion of our people, forms the great stable of conversation, “The burden of their thoughts by day And dreams by night, “and even the momentous issues involved in the the Chicago Convention,” the Daily Eagle continued, “‘pale their lights’ in the shadow of that simple wheel, whose dark recesses are pregnant with the fate of so many thousands of families in our midst.” Some things never change… Follow @BrownstoneDetec Share ———————————————————————————————————————– The Brownstone Detectives Brownstone Detectives is an historic property research agency. Our mission is to document and save the histories of our clients’ homes. From our research, we produce our celebrated House History Books and House […]

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